frequently asked questions

You can submit your abstract in 250 to 300 words along with your biography and Photograph either through the website or through the official conference email id. (You can download the sample abstract template from our abstract submission page)
The abstracts will be reviewed by our noble review committee under the basis of uniqueness of the content and the Quality of the research. Usually it takes 3-4 days for the whole process.
Maximum 2 presentations can be given by a single speaker.
We are accepting abstracts in different phases so please contact the program coordinator for the exact dates.
Yes, you can attend as a Delegate/Attendee else you can submit another abstract.
The basic duration of a speaker session is 25-30 minutes, while the keynote session may be up to 40-45 Minutes. You can present your research through PPT of PDF at the venue.
Don't worry, please contact our onsite coordinator he will try to manage your presentation at the end of all the sessions.
With the consent of the main author, co-authors can present their work.
Yes, you need to submit your abstract in 250 to 300 words along with your biography and Photograph.
The time and schedule will be posted on the website in the program. On the day your poster is scheduled, poster should be placed up on/ before the mentioned time of the conference. All the posters will be removed by the end of the same day.
Each poster should be approximately 1x1 meter or 3x3 feet in dimensions.The title, contents and the author's information should be clearly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.
The poster presenter needs to carry His/her poster in fabric, Poly Vinyl or paper.
Use fonts such as Arial/Times New Roman in a reasonable font size that should be easy to read. The spacing between the lines should also be taken into consideration. A very simple format should be used representing all the details about the research carried by the author. Long narrated paragraphs should be avoided. Short phrases and bulleted points should be used in the poster to present the main highlights of the work done.
Overview: A summary of the purpose, methods, and results should be mentioned on either of the upper sections of the board.
Introduction: An idea about the objective and background of the work should be mentioned. Methods: Simple description of the apparatus, chemistry, samples, materials, etc used in the research is to be mentioned in the poster.
Results: Graphs, spectra, charts, pictures, etc., with a minimum of text to explain the results.
Conclusions: The positive and negative aspects of the work carried out are to be displayed along with the obtained results. Future research prospective and developing aspects of the related research can also be discussed.
Use fonts such as Arial/Times New Roman in a reasonable font size that should be easy to read. The spacing between the lines should also be taken into consideration. A very simple format should be used representing all the details about the research carried by the author. Long narrated paragraphs should be avoided. Short phrases and bulleted points should be used in the poster to present the main highlights of the work done.
Use fonts such as Arial/Times New Roman in a reasonable font size that should be easy to read. The spacing between the lines should also be taken into consideration. A very simple format should be used representing all the details about the research carried by the author. Long narrated paragraphs should be avoided. Short phrases and bulleted points should be used in the poster to present the main highlights of the work done.
Student & Delegate
Yes you can, you need to send the abstract.
Yes, the winner will be provided a certificate duly signed by the Organizing Committee.
Yes, the Graduation students and the PhD pursuing students are considered as the student.
No, you can directly register as a delegate.
Yes, you will be provided a certificate duly signed by the Organizing Committee.
Yes if you are registering with the full amount, you will be allowed to access all the sessions of the conference.
Yah every attendee will be provided an official Invitation letter to apply VISA.
Exhibitor & Sponsor
Yes, you can also speak about your company profile and the exhibiting products as per the conference program.
You will be able to access all the sessions of the conference; you can also give a presentation about your Company and your products. Even you can also sponsor to promote your company during the conference.
We will provide the booth size about 3×3 Square meters, and an exhibition bench along with the conference fascia and your company logo.
Yes, Exhibitor will receive a Memento or Certificate.
Indeed, You can play your item videotape inside the capable of being heard range. You can likewise play your item commercial at the meeting previously or after the refreshment breaks. You have to contact the meeting supervisor for additional points of interest.
You can decorate your exhibition booth. At the same time you need to follow the rules and regulations of the conference venue. Fire prone products, animals, were prohibited at the exhibition area.
Yes, You can avail this opportunity. You need to have prior permission from the manager and from the hotel manager.
You can register online through Debit/Credit card or PayPal (You will get the confirmation between 24 Hours except weekends and Holidays)If you don't have Debit/Credit card and PayPal you can proceed for the bank to bank transfer. Please contact support@sciconx.com for the Invoice. (You will get the confirmation between 4-5 working days) For the registration rates, you can visit for the registration page of the particular conference website.
Only registration amount is the minimum amount to be paid by the attendee (Speaker/Delegate) to attend the conference which includes Free Lunch and Free 2 Coffee/Snacks per day.Package A includes 2 Nights' accommodation with bed and Breakfast while Package B includes 3 Nights' accommodation with bed and Breakfast.
All the Professors, Students who are related to academic institutes (E.g. Medical Colleges, Universities, and Medical Labs etc.) are coming under academic category.All the professionals belong to any business organizations (E.g. Parma Industry, Medical equipment Manufacturer, Corporate organizations etc.) are coming under Business category.
Obviously, we are providing early-bird waivers on all registration levels to those who register for the conference by a certain date. More information about registration rates you can visit the conference registration page.
The registration fee includes access to all conference sessions and exhibitions. When you check-in at the registration desk, you will be provided a delegate bag, which contains conference proceeding, your name tag, and other relevant information. The registration fee also includes access to a morning coffee break and an afternoon coffee break along with complimentary lunch all the days of the conference.
Yes, one-day conference registration is available. Please contact to the particular conference email id for the details.
You can pay on-site but a token amount will be applicable, if you require an official Invitation letter. (Only Cash and Card payments are accepted)
The scientific program will be uploaded in the website as soon as it prepared. Please visit______________ (Program page of a conference)
Usually, the final scientific program will be available before 30 days of the conference.
Once your abstract got accepted, your name will be added to the program. We will update the scientific program periodically.
You need to request the coordinator of the conference but it subjected to availability of slots.
Yes, our conference proceeding contains the program in its very first page.
Yes, we can reschedule your talk after discussing with onsite organizer/moderator. If you wish, can directly contact them at the venue.
You can submit your presentation at the venue. You are advised to bring it in a disc/USB drive or can also attach in the email and download there. Before the starting of the program you need to submit it.